Quick Facts
Title: Nadaan
Plot: The plot revolves around Khushi Mukherjee and her husband who have been married for 5 years, but are yet to have a baby. The series explores the relationship between Khushi and Nadaan and wh… Read all
Genres: Drama
IMDb Rating: 6.5
User Reviews Count: 7
Director: Khushi Mukherjee
Cast: Khushi Mukherjee, Ashraf Saifee, Aashima Aashi, Khushi Mukherjee, Ashraf Saifee, Aashima Aashi
Release Date: N/A
Languages: N/A
Nadaan: With Khushi Mukherjee, Ashraf Saifee, Aashima Aashi, Aishwarya Agarwal. The plot revolves around Khushi Mukherjee and her husband who have been married for 5 years, but are yet to have a baby. The series explores the relationship between Khushi and Nadaan and what happens between them.